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Jeju Science Park

Silicon Valley

Developing clean IT and BT industry in Jeju Island, attracting high-tech companies in advanced science, and creating high-quality jobs

Business Overview

  • Yeongpyeong-dong, Jeju-si, Jeju-do
  • 1,098,878,1㎡
  • KRW 580 billion
  • Public development of national industrial complexes such as IT and BT related companies and research institutes
  • High-Tech Industry Dept.
인근 제주대학교
  • Best place to build industry-academia-research cluster with Jeju National University and Jeju International University located nearby
  • Public services easily accessible including the provincial office, the city hall, Jeju International Airport and Jeju Port within a distance of 10km

Business Introduction

  • For Robust Jeju Economy

    In early 2000s, Jeju had a vulnerable industrial structure with low-value-adding primary industries and tertiary industries vulnerable to external changes accounting for 96% of the economy. The Jeju Advanced Science & Technology Complex Development Project was carried out in order to grow local economy and promote self-sustaining industries in Jeju.

    Step-by-Step as Industrial Complex

    In October 2004, we were designated as National Industrial Complex District and Project Developer. In December 2005, we were also appointed by the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy as Administrator for Jeju Advanced Science & Technology Complex, and the Framework Administration Plan was approved in December 2006.

  • Center of Econ-friendly Clean Industries

    We recognized the need to attract new industries to build foundation for Jeju’s local economic growth and create jobs. Thus we attracted non-polluting industries such as advanced science and bio-technology which do not harm the environment. To promote investment, we actively offered administrative and marketing support including corporate tax reduction and tax benefits. We are also implementing corporate support projects leveraging JDC’s network in and outside Korea.

    14% of Jeju’s Total GRDP

    The Advanced Science & Technology Complex hosting around 130 tenant companies as of now successfully attracted leading local and global companies including Kakao, EastSoft, Dentium and IBM Korea. By offering them with opportunities to advance into global markets, 7 tenant companies signed export contracts worth of KRW 300 million in 2017. In partnership with major provincial events every year, we support the companies to promote their sales regarding products and services, as a way to actively drive their business growth. Currently 2,051 employees work on a full-time basis, delivering annual revenue of KRW 2.57 trillion and thus accounting for 14$ of Jeju’s total GRDP.

  • 2nd Advanced Jeju Science Parkto Serve Excess Demand

    Jeju Advanced Science & Technology Complex will commit to building the 2nd complex in the future, attracting tenants and supporting their growth, and contributing to grow the local economy. In order to build residence industrial complex, we will identify and implement diverse support initiatives catering to the needs of tenant companies. We will continue to make ceaseless efforts to make it the best science & technology complex where everyone wants to join from around the world.

Business Timeline

  • 10년 임대주택건설 사업계획 승인
    history 2018

    Aug.10-year rental house construction business plan approved

  • 행복주택건설 사업계획 승인
    history 2017

    Jun.Seminyang Building (formerly Monue El). Inauguration

  • 제주산학융합지구 지정 고시
    history 2017

    May.Designated as Jeju industrial-academic fusion district

  • 제2첨단과학기술단지 개발계획 및 단지지정 승인
    history 2016

    Dec.Approved 2nd Jeju Science Park Development Plan and Designation/p>

  • 모뉴엘 사옥 인수(입주기업 지원시설 활용 예정)
    history 2016

    Apr.Acquired MONUEL office building (plan to utilize as tenant support facility)

  • 제2첨단과학기술단지 예비타당성조사 통과(기획재정부)
    history 2015

    Jun.Passed preliminary feasibility study of the 2nd Jeju Science Park (Ministry of Strategy and Finance)

  • 동반성장 성과공유제 확인기업 인증
    history 2014

    Feb.Identified as an enterprise sharing performance with small enterprises

  • 제7회 ASPA LEADER'S Meeting 개최
    history 2012

    Apr.Held 7th ASPA LEADER'S Meeting

  • 제주스마트워크센터 개소
    history 2011

    Oct.Established Jeju Smart Work Center

  • 단지 개발사업 준공
    history 2010

    Jun.Completed development project

  • 지원시설(업무,생산) 준공
    history 2010

    Mar.Completed supporting facilities (work, production)

  • 산업단지관리기관 지정
    history 2006

    Jan.Designated industrial complex management agency

  • 단지 부지조성공사 착공
    history 2005

    Jun.Started site construction

  • 국가산업단지 지정 및 시행자로 지정
    history 2004

    Oct.Designated national industrial complex and designated as an enforcer

Global Network

  • Overseas network
  • Introduction of
    management &
  • Joint research
    Marketing and
    support for new
    market opening
  • Growth of tenant
    companies and
    promotion of
    related enterprises
    moving in
  • Participated in international conventions and conferences on science parks and new business support centers
  • Signed a business agreement with outstanding Science Parks in Germany, Singapore, UK and Taiwan for mutual exchange