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Investment Procedure Guide

Investment Procedure

투자절차 : 잠재투자자 → 투자상담 → 투자유형분석(업종,규모,방법 등) → 자료제공,현지답사 → 투자의향서,양해각서 체결 → 투자결정,본계약 체결 → 인허가 지원

Major contact information

Coordinating division in JDC: Division of Future Business,
Tel. : 064-797-5688, 5600, E-mail : keun@jdcenter.com, ksh5999@jdcenter.com

International School Investment Procedures

Submission of LOI and basic plan(Subject of discussion: JDC Education Industry Department - Verification of the reliability of the prospective establishment) →
Signing of MOU(Contracting Party: JDC, intended Establisher) → Submission of business plan(Submission office: JDC Education Industry Department - Feasibility Study) → Signing of MOA(Contracting Party: JDC, intended Establisher) →
Application for International school establishment approval(Principal agent for approval: Jeju Special Self-Governing Province Office of Education)→Deliberation on International school establishment plan(Deliberative committee: International school establishment and operation review committee) →
Approval of international school establishment plan → Land purchase contract(Contracting Party: JDC, School corporation) → Application for International school establishment approval(In case of proceeding with consultation or approval process of establishment plan, consultation or approval shall be requested six months prior to the scheduled opening date.) →
Deliberation of international school establishment approval(Deliberative committee: International school establishment and operation review committee) → Consent of Education Minister(In case of application by commercial corporation) →
International school establishment approval(The Province Superintendent of Education shall notify the applicant within three months from the date of application about the result) →
Completion of establishment  registration and establishment of international school(Establishment registration should be registered within three weeks from the date of establishment approval)

Foreign Educational Institution (University) Investment Procedures

Submission of LOI and basic plan(Subject of discussion: Jeju Provincial Office - Verification of the reliability of the prospective establishment) →
Signing of MOU(Contracting Party: Jeju Provincial Government, intended Establisher ) → Submission of business plan(Submission office: Jeju Provincial Office - Feasibility Study) → Signing of MOA(Contracting Party: Jeju Provincial Government, intended Establisher) →
Application for university establishment approval(Principal agent for approval: Jeju Provincial Office) → Deliberation on university establishment(Screening of documents, interviews, local inspection of branch & principal school, comprehensive screening) →
Approval of university establishment(Approval body: Governor of Jeju) → Corporate registration and school charter announcement(Corporate registration should be registered within three weeks from the date of establishment approval and the school charter should be announced within 1 month) →
School Opening

Key Contact Points

Contact at JDC: Future Business Dept. | Tel : 064-797-5688, 5600 | E-mail : keun@jdcenter.com, ksh5999@jdcenter.com
Contact at Jeju Special Self-Governing Province | Tel : 064-710-3434